A small update, and how my second LL.M year will look like [in a nutshell]


Written by Dena

23 Sep 2015

Hej everyone!

While the weather here in Skåne has been playing tricks on me (think: you get dressed for rain and wind and by the time you are supposed to leave home it becomes warm and sunny), school is becoming more demanding by the day. As I wrote in April, I have chosen to specialise in Intellectual Property Law and Human Rights Law, so my current curriculum is exactly on Human Rights Perspectives on IP Law. It is a really interesting area and I absolutely enjoy learning about it.

However, even the things you love can be overwhelming at times. My current course is consisted of lectures and workshops, as well as writing 3 (yes, three) essays on very different topics. Needless to say, I have been a busy little bee these days.

Soaking up all that knowledge

This course will go on until the end of October, and then I will move on to the last course of my LL.M before writing my thesis! It’s called Procedural Law, and I expect it to be quite exciting. After that, a few months of thesis writing and off into the real world of job hunting.

But let’s worry about that later. Now, alongside my regular library hours, Jus Humanis has been organising panel discussions alongside the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. Our last panel discussion was on the topic of Refugees in Europe and it attracted a lot of people who wish to see better treatment of refugees coming into Europe, and what can/should be done about that. It is truly an honour to have the opportunity to cooperate with an institution such as the Raoul Wallenberg Institute.


GIF Source: giphy.com


Written by Dena

23 Sep 2015