My Top 5 Bizarre Swedish Food. Bon appétit!

Moving to Sweden means trying and getting acquired to new food and flavors but there are just some of them which I can’t … can’t find the right words to describe it. They are popular among the Swedes but some are just too peculiar for me.

Number 5. Kaviar. Creamed roe in a tube. This isn’t too bad. I actually think its very convenient. Just like a toothpaste, simply squeeze the creamed roe on a sandwich. ‘En väldigt svensk smak’, a very swedish taste, couldn’t agree more.

imqi3myoljkgjnnndf5tImage from MyNewsDesk.

Number 4. Saltlakrits. Salty Liquorice. Liquorice candies, liquorice ice-cream, liquorice chocolate, liquorice everywhere. It’s either you love it or hate it. If you are not a liquorice fan, I strongly suggest to avoid candies and godis in black. I made this mistake too many times, thinking it could be blackcurrant and I’m always wrong.

IMG_4898Image from HemmaHosAndrea.

Number 3. Blodpudding. The black pudding is generally made of pork blood, usually grilled or fried and served with lingonberries. You can eat it as a meal alone, usually for lunch. Sounds yummy, isn’t it?

800px-Blodpudding-1Image from David Castor.

Number 2Surströmming. The famous or infamous fermented herring with an overwhelming odour. I strongly recommend to consume outdoors unless its meant to be a very mean prank. Surströmming is unforgettable. It literally enriches your senses, must smell try.

magnus_skoglöf-fermented_herring_wrap-1285Image from Magnus Skoglöf/

Number 1. Drum roll … and the winner is Leverpastej. The liver paste is made of coarsely ground pork liver and lard, usually spread on bread with pickles. I may be bias as I am not a fan of liver but the thought of liver spread on the bread or sandwich like butter and jam is certainly too bizarre for me. On the bright side, it is rich in iron.

leverpastej-bredbar-200g-pastejkoket-1578909153 - CopyImage from Mathem.

Moving to Sweden? Give them a try!

Featured Blodpudding image from Svensktkott.


Written by Angelina

05 May 2015