Written by Angelina
22 Mar 2015
Welcome to Universeum. A Science Centre that lies in the heart of Gothenburg that brings together animals, nature, technology and masses of experiments under one roof. It took me from Ice Age to the hot and humid Amazon rainforest, then the underwater world and space travel, landing on different planets. Another highlight was my first encounter with Piranha, the flesh-eating fish. Seriously, don’t be deceived by their ordinary peaceful looks. Now let the photos do the talking.
The aquariums at Universeum are among the world’s largest and can accommodate over three million liters of water with several hundreds species of fish.
Take a closer lookPiranha, the flesh-eating fish. Don’t they look harmless?
Time to remove the coats and enter the warm and humid rainforest where monkeys, lizards and birds roam freely.
There are many different species of reptiles in Universeum but this Inland Taipan caught my eye. It is the world’s most venomous snake that is 50 times more venomous than the Indian Cobra and about 800 times more venomous than a Diamondback rattlesnake.
Back to the Ice Age
I can’t fit the huge mammoth in my camera but as you can see it extends to the roof.
Rocket – the inside
My actual weight on different planets. 105kg in Jupiter and 17kg on Mars. As more massive objects have a stronger pull than less massive objects, this explains why it weighs more on larger, more massive planets like Jupiter and less on smaller, less massive planets like Mars. Does that mean I can eat twice as much on Mars?
An entire floor of interactive games and activities
Exit through the gift shop
Here you can also find interesting giant microbes soft toys such as Herpes, Stem Cell, Bed Bug and many more.
My photos do not do justice. There were a lot more going on which were not captured on my camera. The underwater world is very fascinating, it’s really huge and its my favorite part of the visit but the fishes especially the sharks were too fast for me to take the photos. Universeum is ideal for the whole family but I think its much more fun for the kids because of the interactive play as well as an entire basement of playground dedicated for the younger ones. Definitely a fun visit.