Written by Raghuraman
08 Mar 2015
Last year Stockholm School of Economics hosted its first TEDxSSE. I tell you about this because this was one of the reasons that I finally chose to come to SSE and pursue the program I am doing. One current student from SSE gets to do a TED talk during this event. Last year Peder Berggren made this moving talk about his grandfather. I knew SSE was the place for me after I saw this video. My program is unique in a sense that it has people from non business backgrounds studying. So my classmates range Agriculturists to Historians to Engineers to Political Scientists to Environmental Economists! This kind of exposure or environment I feel is almost impossible to find elsewhere. I also feel that the bachelors program teaches you a way of thinking. Engineers tend to think a certain way, while historians and political scientists think very differently. This means that while we are working in a group, the ideas that are put forward are truly unique and often the questions re-framed.
When I saw Peder, a psychologist, talk about discovering oneself in this rapidly changing digital world, I felt such a strong connection. I felt like I would belong in this place and people would have similar ideas about the world. And I must say I am not disappointed.
The next TEDxSSE will be help on April 23rd and the hunt for the next student speaker has begun!