Choosing Sweden. Choosing Lund.


Written by Dena

19 Dec 2014

Tell me, have you made up your mind yet?

Has the application frenzy started shaking your world yet?

This time last year I was in that frenzy. That crazy adrenaline of applying for a Master Programme in Sweden marked my days (and nights).
This time last year I had made up my mind. I had a goal – getting to Lund University for a Master Programme I really, really wanted.

Not a lot of people ask me the famous ‘why [Lund]?’ (because most people ask me “why Sweden? It’s sooooo cold!”) 🙂
Wonder why no one wonders why Lund? Because whenever I said Lund, I needn’t say more. People knew that it was one of the constantly top ranked universities in the world – currently among top 60 in the world. So I did some additional research in search for details that would tell me what this university is really all about. I’ll save you some time and tell you what I found out:

Lund University (LU) was established in 1666 (almost 350 years old!) and has a remarkable history, an impressive present and a glorious future, I think. What struck me the most was its strong commitment to diversity. Lund University is a global university and it looks for talented, international students to study here. (I am looking at you.) Having a global classroom is beneficial for students, both Swedish and international, as well as the university. With this attitude, Lund managed to become the most international university in Sweden. This is one of the things I truly appreciate about my university and played a major role in my decision process.

It doesn’t stop there. Innovation might just be the buzzword of the hour, but at Lund University, innovation is taken very seriously. This University has been the home of the first artificial kidney, Bluetooth, medical ultrasound and so much more! If that didn’t sweep you off your feet, I have more: Lund is building MAX IV – an electron accelerator that will be 100 times more efficient than any existing comparable synchrotron radiation facility in the world. Mind. Blown. (Can I switch to science, pretty please?)


But coming back to my own choice of studies – Lund University has one of the finest programmes in International Human Rights Law. On a national level, Lund University’s Law School is the highest ranked law school and professors’ profiles quickly won me over.

My experience with the Programme so far is more than just positive  – I have learned a lot more than I had expected, and I did expect a whole lot. One of the things I appreciate about my Programme is that it demands attention, focus and diligence (yeah, ok I’m a bit of a nerd). My classmates are really impressive and we challenge each other on a daily basis, which makes things so exciting and that is where the concept of a global classroom comes to play – we come from all over the globe and that truly enriches our discussions and classes.

Lund University has a scholarship programme – Lund University Global Scholarship, so make sure to check it out alongside Swedish Institute scholarships and other national scholarships you might be eligible for.

Kind reminder: if you haven’t started preparing your application to a university in Sweden, start now. Make sure to collect relevant documents and transcripts from your university as early as possible. For detailed instructions on how to apply, go to Gimmy’s and Marta’s blog posts.

I just noticed: this is my longest blog post so far! Ah, I could talk about Sweden and my awesome uni for ages.

Photos: Lund University


Written by Dena

19 Dec 2014