Written by Marta
24 Oct 2014
If you’re reading this blog, there’s a good chance you’re trying to make up your mind about studies abroad. For example:
- Which country should I to go to?
- How do I pick the right University?
- Which program?
It’d better be the right choice… After all, the opportunity cost is high, and you’re leaving behind the warmth of home and old friendships.
What do you want?
I still remember my anxious wonderings about the unknown when I first decided to go abroad for studies. Trying to get some external advice, I usually ended up in a scene like this:

I learnt my lesson. The second time I applied for studies abroad (MSc program), the right choice just came out naturally. As a result, the more natural the decision seems, the easier it gets to explain your reasons for making that decision. Check out Gimmy’s blog for a perfect example 😃
Questions you need to answer!
Wondering about my secret potion of decision-making? Here you go: try it on! Visit your very own fitting room – for real or in your head – and visualize every single aspect of studying in the country and University of choice. How will your weekdays and weekends look like? Whom will you regularly meet on campus? How will you spend your lunch? What are the lecturers like? How will you get around in the city? Which companies will you be exposed to? I can go on and on, but ultimately it boils down to living it through in your head.
Of course, you’d have to get your hands dirty with Google search, Facebooking some students or alumni, or reading blogs like this. However, once that part is done, just close your eyes and think how it would feel like to study in that dream University of yours. Then, after that, look at yourself in the mirror, and see if it suits you well. If not, go on trying: options are limitless!