Karolinska Institutet
A renowned medical university and home of the Nobel Assembly
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What is Karolinska Institutet best known for?
KI is a one-faculty university dedicated solely to the medical and health sciences, with a reputation for top quality research and innovation. We are consistently ranked in the top 50 universities globally and the top 10 medical universities in Europe. We are also the proud home of the Nobel Assembly – 50 professors from KI who select the Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine each year.
Teachers at KI divide their time between teaching and conducting research which contributes to keeping them informed of and involved in ongoing developments in their respective fields, making coursework current and cutting edge.
A master’s degree from KI will give you a competitive advantage on the global labour market and prepare you for further doctoral studies should you wish to pursue an academic career.
What kind of programmes does Karolinska Institutet offer?
We offer 11 global master’s programmes and one global bachelor’s programme in the fields of public health and life sciences, all taught in English and with an international focus. All of our programmes incorporate an interactive teaching model that emphasises informal and close contact between students and teachers and facilitates active participation.
What’s the alumni network like?
KI Alumni & Friends is a professional and social network for everyone who wishes to keep in touch with KI after their studies. Through the network you can keep in touch with old friends and classmates; search for and find new professional contacts; attend seminars and reunions; and not least read about the latest and most recent findings in medical research and education. Read more about the KI Alumni & Friends network. ↗️
What are ties to local industry like?
With a master’s degree from KI you’ll be well-prepared for a career in industry or academia. KI Career Service offers support to students to find work during their studies.
Examples of companies, organisations and institutions where we have alumni: Xcode Life Sciences, Leibniz Institute of Environmental Medicine, Swedish Chemicals Agency, BioGaia AB, Kemwell, Stockholm University, Karolinska Institutet, Center For Advancement of Global Health Pune, St Johns Research Institute, National Neuroscience Institute Singapore, School of Computing at National University of Singapore, Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, German Cancer Research Center, Health Promotion Board Singapore, KTH, Biosync Technology AB, University of New South Wales Australia, WHO and many more.