Join the Chinese social media team

Are you studying in Sweden this autumn and want to become a Study in Sweden digital ambassador? Applications to the Chinese social media team are now open!

What does a digital ambassador in the Chinese social media team do, exactly?

As a digital ambassador in the Chinese social media team, you’ll share your experiences of studying in Sweden on our WeChat (留学瑞典), Weibo and Biibili accounts – posting photos and videos, writing articles, taking part in Live broadcasts, and interacting with followers. Basically, you’ll show our followers what life here is like.

For the academic year 2024/2025 we’re looking for 4 students to join the Chinese social media team! Are you interested? Keep reading to learn more about how to apply.

About the Study in Sweden digital ambassador programme

As a Study in Sweden digital ambassador, you’ll be expected to spend at least 20 hours a month on your digital ambassador tasks.
We offer limited financial renumeration for your work and plenty of opportunities for professional development. More details will be shared during the interview process.

Throughout the year, we organise three meet-ups where we come together as a group to share experiences, learn new skills, swap ideas, and have a good time! And yes, fika is included 😄

You are expected to participate in all the meet-ups. Our first meet-up will take place from 4 – 6 October 2024 in Stockholm.

Photo: Xingyu
Xingyu, Uppsala University

学生大使的身份让我更负责任地在原本陌生的环境里探索、学习和生活,充分发现,及时总结,优质成长。Study in Sweden让我更懂得分享,也让我看世界的眼光更有力量。

We’re looking for fun, creative, excited digital ambassadors

And we’ve got a few other requirements:

  • You’re a full-time student pursuing a master’s or PHD degree at a Swedish university in Sweden. We welcome applications from both new students who are starting their studies in the autumn semester 2024 and current students who will continue their studies for the academic year 2024/2025.
  • You’re an international student.
  • You’re comfortable writing and talking in English and Chinese. We need you to be able to tell your story confidently, in your own voice.
  • It’s a plus if you’re comfortable in front of the camera, as we encourage you to participate in Weibo/WeChat broadcasts from time to time.
  • You love telling stories and communicating with people from different backgrounds, whether through text, photography or video. The important part is you’re able to be creative and produce unique, engaging content.
  • You can commit to spending a minimum of 20 hours a month during the academic year on being a digital ambassador.
  • You’re motivated to take initiative and dedicated to completing your tasks. As a person, you are reliable, responsible, and like to help others.

    How to apply to join the Chinese social media team

    Do you want to become one of our digital ambassadors? We like the sound of that. If you want to join the Chinese social media team your next step is easy. Go ahead and apply!

    Apply by 30 June 2024

    You have until 30 June 2024 (23:59 local Swedish time, CEST) to apply.

    To apply, please fill out the application form ↗️ and submit a number of supporting documents.

    Photo: Oskar Omne

    What happens after your application?

    We’ll check through the application that come in on time after the application deadline (30 June).

    Digital interviews will take place around the middle of July with a number of selected students. If you are chosen for an interview, we will contact you via email. Othersie, you won’t hear from us until the final selection is made around the end of August.

    If you have any questions about the application process, contact us via email:

    We look forward to your application – good luck! 🤞🏽