My name is Tullio and I'm from Italy 🇮🇹. I studied a Bachelor's in Applied Mathematics at Linnaeus University.

Photo: Oskar Omne

Hej everyone! I’m Tullio. I come from a city in northern Italy called Brescia, but I’ve been living in Sweden for a year now.  
I’m pursuing a BSc in Applied Mathematics at Linnaeus University in Växjö. 
Coming to Sweden was definitely one of the best choices I’ve ever made. It’s a melting pot with equal opportunities for everyone to shine and truly be themselves… and it’s also a great study destination. What more could you ask for? 
Outside of my student life, I am a content creator on social media! I have an actual obsession with anything music-related and I’m so happy to be able to share my passion with all my friends online.I can’t wait to work as a Digital Ambassador for the Instagram team at Study in Sweden and share my love for this Country with all of you! 
A presto 

Applied Mathematics at Linnaeus University

Past Ambassador

Tullio was a digital ambassador between 2022 - 2023 and is not available for answering emails and comments on posts.