My name is Ayman and I'm from Sudan 🇸🇩. I studied a Master's in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management from KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

I’m a fun-loving, peace loving soul with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and an almost child-like curiosity. Twenty years ago – when I was about seven – I watched a movie about a computer genius who managed to save the Earth from the imminent danger of zombie aliens (!). My dream has since been to become a computer expert by day and a super-hero crime fighter by night. I achieved the former, and I’m still working on the latter.
I graduated with a degree in Software Engineering from the University of Khartoum in my country Sudan, and now I’m studying for a master’s degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. When I’m not day-dreaming about becoming the next Steve Jobs (or Bruce Wayne, I keep going back and forth) and making the world a better place, I’m usually grunting and panting in the Gym. You can recognize me from miles away by my rather loud (some might say annoying) laugh.
MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Past Ambassador
Ayman was a digital ambassador between 2014-2015 and is not available for answering emails and comments on posts.