Taking Stock Swedish Life


Written by Anita

01 Dec 2017

In these series of posts, I will be updating you on my life in Sweden as a typical Student. Here is one I did at the beginning of the year.

TAKING STOCK TWO : Wednesday 29 November 2017

Making: Sure, that I’ve paid all my bills so that I know how much cash I have left for the month. Rent, Gym, Transport Pass. Student budgeting will save your life!

Source: giphy.com

Drinking: Tea. Kericho Gold is a girl’s best friend in this weather. Today I am having Mixed Spice.

Reading: Her Roots. A book by a brilliant young writer named J.J. Lanji Ouko

Taking Stock Swedish Life
source: https://www.kawisnippets.com

Wanting: To remember how to craft a thesis and questions for a semi-structured interview. It feels like my undergrad thesis was a lifetime away.

source: giphy.com

Looking: Forward to travelling. Visiting the Sveriges Riksdag with NFGL next week and Umeå with the Digital Ambassadors.

Wasting: The hours of daylight away. I still haven’t gotten used to the sun setting at 3:30 p.m. and find myself leaving the house in the dark in forgetfulness.

source: giphy.com

Wishing: I had more motivation. I should have started taking my Vitamin D earlier. I just want to watch movies and series all day, yet I have a mountain of work to do.

Waiting: For tonight after-works with my classmates :)! It’s been a while since we’ve all met up.

source: giphy.com

Wondering: How fast this year has gone! Only 31 days left to 2018.

source: giphy.com

Loving: The fact that it will snow this weekend!

source: giphy.com

Needing: To invest in a second pair of winter shoes. My first ones have done me well for last winter and I need a new pair for this one as well.

Bookmarking: This article about 10 Swedish Superwomen and my new favourite Youtube page.

Taking Stock Swedish Life
source: sweden.se

Giggling: At pictures from Jul på Liseberg that I went to last week with some friends. Rollercoasters are truly a different experience when you’re a teen and in your late 20s. My heart!

Taking Stock Swedish Life
source: Anita / Jul pa Liseberg

Cooking: In my mind(sötpotatis pannkaka till frukost i morgon)

Playing: My new favourite song by Sauti Sol song called Melanin.

Wearing: Pyjamas and leg warmers. I love to blog when I still have creativity flowing.

Liking: That my Swedish is becoming better. I can now read a newspaper article and make out the context and understand majority of the sentences. Apart from some words. Tack for Netflix!

source: giphy.com

Enjoying: Learning Swedish Online. I was in SFI but I’ve taken a small break. That’s a story for another blog.

Taking Stock Swedish Life

Organizing: My Room. I need to pack away all my clothes for Summer/Autumn and bring out the big guns for Winter!

Taking Stock Swedish Life
source: Anita

Från Sverige med kärlek!


Written by Anita

01 Dec 2017