Saving Money for Student


Written by Sania

28 Mar 2017

Intuitively, we would look for other sources of income so we can have/enjoy more. This is not a false logic, but sometimes that solution is not realistic – considering our time management and abilities. Fear not, there are other (not so) easy ways to keep your pocket full of sunshine when you are a student. Among the many tips on saving as a student, here are mine based on personal experience and friends:

1. Bring lunch, coffee, snack from home

Total financial saver. You do not have to do it every day but it will be good to have as often as you can. Cafeterias in Swedish campus have microwaves available for you to heat the lunch which you made the night before, and a sink to wash your box (if you want, we don’t judge you if you want to clean it home).

2. Plan your expense

It is common sense that when you do not plan, you tend to be impulsive and in the end of the month – broke. Perhaps not you, but some of my friends and I do.

3. Shop at second-hand store or flea market

Some of you may imagine that shopping at the second-hand store or flea market will be dirty, smelly and outdated – but wait until you see how accommodating and convenient second-hand stores in Sweden are! Shopping is fun and getting a good bargain is even better. I bought most of my winter outfit and shoes in the second-hand store.

4. Buy groceries on promotion

Instead on planning your meal for the next week, improve your creative thinking, cooking skill, and spontaneity by going to the grocery store with a blank mind and a tight budget.

5. Borrow the literature course

Try as hard as you can to find the literature that you need from libraries or seniors. They usually provide the literatures on the course pages, which is very convenient for me to have, but in case you need more references the online library helps a lot (on your assignment and wallet).

6. Maximize the student discounts

Being a student in Sweden is a privilege as we get many special offers and numerous discount. May it be in the physical store, online shop or through specialized service such as Mecenat and Studentkortet.

If you want to help your fellow students here in living a happy life, economically, you are welcome to share tips in the comment sections!


All GIFs are sourced from GIPHY.


Written by Sania

28 Mar 2017