Written by Gimmy
07 May 2016
I have been a fan of the popular American website TheChive.com since the beginning. (No seriously, since the very beginning. i.e. circa 2007, when there were only 20 pages of “posts”.) If you are a “Chiver”, Keep Calm and Chive On!
On TheChive.com there is a “Cat Saturday” post every Saturday. In honour of that I will be making a Cat post today!
- If you live in Göteborg… have your own apartment room (not sharing a kitchen)… have lövvvv for animals… and MOST IMPORTANTLY will keep your cat forever … adopt a cat!
- http://djurensvannergoteborg.se
- The adoption process takes time… usually 3-4 month
- Cost of adoption (including cost of vaccination + planting a chip in the cat) = ca. 1000 SEK
Interesting Developing Story…

Same night I wrote this post, we found a kitty sitting outside our door at 1AM. She was pretty hungry, but looking healthy. Police couldn’t identify the owner with the cat’s “chip number” 🙁 We will probably take the cat to the shelter if her owner doesn’t turn up…
The Cat Shelter

Eva and I have visited the cat shelter a few times. We can’t adopt one yet since we live on a common floor with shared kitchen (student housing have regulation due to allergy reasons).
The cat shelter really “control” the giving away of cats. I am impressed by the worker’s commitment towards the cat’s welfare! The cat shelter wants you to send them pictures of the cat after you have taken him or her home, just to let them know the cat is living a happy life.
This might sound ridiculous at first. But hey! Cats have feelings too!
Happy Lördag, folks!

This cat looks foolishly adorable!

Poor guy got lice all over his fur after his owner abandoned him. The cat shelter gave him a haircut. He is looking much healthier than before.

If you want a kitten, the queuing time is about 3-4 month. FYI!