Written by Gimmy
22 Apr 2016
To keep things short, for the best balance between cost, location and space when looking for housing in Gothenburg = pick SGS Rotary. I live there.
Now, exactly one year after I published this post I made some updates for you.
I’d like to thank CHALMERS KINAGRUPP for letting me share their videos with you!
- 3 x ProTips
- Don’t get shot! (a sensitive issue in Göteborg still, but we are baring lokal situation all out)
- A little on Frolunda
- Why Rotary?
- About Kjellmansgatan
I don’t think housing in Göteborg is as bad as Stockholm.
My friends complain a lot about the housing here. Don’t be tempted thinking there are many options available. Just play it safe and get a place to stay first (beggars can’t be choosers). I know every August the hostel is full of Chalmers international students looking for housing… Don’t be those guys.
Most common complaints are:
1/ Internet not working
2/ Old building, not clean enough
3/ Expensive…

Looking back a year ago, I just applied to whichever housing that was the cheapest available. I lived in Frölunda. It was cheap, yet relatively far from school. But, it worked out for me.
FIRST, I went to the SGS website. SGS is this housing agency for students. I think most foreign students use their service. Many of my friends have grunges with this company, not satisfied with their services (see top three complaints). Beggars can’t be choosers.

Out of the 24 places, I didn’t recognize most of the places…
Why? Because the Swedish students scoop out the “good” places long long long ago, after having queued for a long long time, and moved in for a long time…

Recently, there are lots of news about shootings in Gothenburg. I just want to say that shootings happen in “rough” neighborhoods on the other side of the river (north side). Gothenburg is still really safe at all times of the day…
Map of shooting locations: Red guns represents shooting in 2014…

I lived in the Frölunda neighborhood for four month. It is not the most “posh” hood in town… People EXAGGERATE about its conditions. It is not that tough as you imagine. Sure it is populated with immigrants. Sure people warn you about locking your laundry (apparently people steal laundry???)… But it is safe. Really!
Story goes… there’s a deadly shooting in the building adjacent to where I lived 2 years ago. End of story.
But shooting can take place anywhere…
Balance Sheet
Downside to Frölunda is the distance to campus: about 25mins by tram
more downside: SGS owns 5-6 apartments in this large apartment building. Not a strong student environment.
Upside: cheaper housing (I paid 3200kr for this tiny room, see pic below.), and you get a MASSIVE shopping centre at your door step!
Upside +1: the parties there are great!

haha, no I didn’t have a roommate. My friend was just visiting me for the weekend! But you can see how tight the room was!

Occassionally you get 2 month of green water, because the copper pipe is old. People really complained a lot about it. We even had a “green water” party.
Finally, my time at Frölunda was over. The building management decided it is time to renovate this old building. And I got moved to a new place. I had several choices. I choose the one that is closest to school (that one hour of commute took away a lot of my time).

View outside 11th floor at the Frölunda SGS apartment.
I live at the SGS Rotary now. I löv it!
It is almost too spacious! 3800kr. (For an additional 600kr, I get my own bathroom and a much larger room! 10 mins walk to school. Large shared kitchen (reminds me of hostel kitchens)). I FEEL IT IS REALLY WORTH IT.

If you want to enjoy your time in Sweden, having a good nest is important.
My buddy Sid had enough of his old crappy room and requested for a new place. BOOM! one month later he moved into his own room at Kjellmannsgatan. It is around 3800kr as well. Really nice neighborhood.
Pics of the room in virgin condition. I took them as I helped Sid move in.

The hallway, one person per door.

back to my kitchen, a picture of the last dinner party…. benefit of having a large common kitchen.