Best of Sweden 2015


Written by Leonilla

31 Dec 2015

Since a new year will begin tomorrow I wanted to make a small recap of 2015 and the things I found most important and memorable. I had a good year and hope 2016 will be at least as good as this year. I also wanted to wish happy new year for all of you! 🙂


I’ve made many new friends in Sweden, and most importantly not only with Swedes but also with other international students. Although many stay only for one or two semesters, it’s nice to know people from around the world and it gives you a reason to travel and visit them!



I had been to Stockholm several times before, but I had never visited the Northern parts of Sweden: Umeå and Luleå. I also visited a friend who was studying in Göteborg last spring. We rented a car and drove to Ullared which is famous for it’s superstore Gekås. It’s big and cheap and located in the middle of nowhere. It was one of my best trips ever.



IKSU, one of the largest sports facilities in Europe is located in Umeå. I didn’t know about it before moving to Umeå and have been very happy to be able to do different sports 7 days a week with a decent price.



I got surströmming off my bucket list, tried baking princesstårta, chokladbollar and a lot more! Swedes like to eat sweet things with their coffee (that tastes bad) and as a sugar lover I’ve had plenty of choices with new foods.


I met new animals! My favorites were the elks in Bjurholm and the ducks that like to chill at Umeå University campus.


Written by Leonilla

31 Dec 2015