Written by Redwan
12 Jan 2015
Well this can definitely be a challenge. If you aren’t going back home to meet your family, relatives and friends, then staying in Sweden all by yourself and literally completing assignments can get extremely monotonous. It is a popular norm in Sweden that during Christmas, everything gets shut and remains quiet. In other words, not much is going around apart from some Christmas festivals and markets and you are most likely to see the streets empty.
So this year, the Christmas Eve hasn’t been as expected. There weren’t much snow until the end of the year. Hence the feel of this widely-celebrated occasion was missing and I have seen many people complaining about it too. But anyways, if you are in Sweden..then just travel! This time I made up a plan to visit few countries in Europe, namely Germany, Poland and Czech Republic. And why not?! The travel expenses had been quite affordable and its convenient for students too. So I can strongly suggest that if would like to take a small trip elsewhere, this is your time. Not only can you get to visit new countries, but also see and experience how Christmas is celebrated all over these places. It varies from nation to nation and from culture to culture. So overall, you get to learn a lot about different people and how things are in a particular country.
But if you can’t manage such a trip due to reasons, its no issue. Some friends I know hadn’t gone that far and took a trip around the beautiful Scandinavia itself. Denmark, Finland and Norway are amazing places during winter and there are lot of tourist attracts that one can visit and awe! Travelling is easy as buses, ships and cars can easily take you there, that too at a ‘student-price’. I can guarantee you that a week of trip and you will have a lifetime experience. Sweden, itself, lightens up during Christmas. There are amazing places to visit in the north, if you look to spend some days in silence and serenity. But if you are more happening, then travel to the bigger cities like Gothenburg and Stockholm and ‘get into the mood’! So you can see, its not at all too bad and there are ample of things to visit during such longer breaks.
I am done for now but stay tuned! I will soon write about my time and experience in Germany, Poland and Czech Republic. Adios!