Written by Mohamed
21 Nov 2014

There’s never been a better time to pursue a post-graduation career in Sweden. New legislation rolled out in June 2014 makes it easier than ever to stay and work in Sweden once you’re done studying.
Enter Armada-
For the 33rd year running, the KTH student union works its magic- 10,000 students and 150 world-class employers in the biggest meet and mingle of its kind. Sparks fly!
This isn’t “Ye Locale Jobbe Fair” mind you, only the biggest and baddest are allowed through Armada’s doors. Kudos to the 300-some organizers that practically grind themselves to nibs year in and year out to get this magnificent fleet to set sale.
So? What sort of recruiters are eager to sink their teeth into that yummeh, yummeh fresh-grad blood you may ask?
Gotcha’ covered with some pictures!

Other organizations that were there and are worth mentioning solely on the basis of their awesomeness include:
- General Electric
- Tetrapak
- Airbus
- Volvo
-I could keep this up for hours!
All in all, if you’re thinking about the possibility of putting down roots here in Sweden after you’re done studying, here’s an uber-positive indication of the possibilities that you can pursue.
I’d like to thank my partner in crime in the KTH Nanotech masters program, Ahmed El-Askalany, for furnishing me with all of these wonderful pictures that you see here.