University West
A modern university with a focus on work-integrated learning
Students:13119 ((5,500 students on campus)
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What is University West best known for?
University West is a dynamic university with a clear focus on education and research of high international quality. We’re particularly well known for our focus on work-integrated learning, which means you’ll learn how to apply your studies from day one. Students are allowed to gain work experience while studying. The Swedish Government even commissioned University West to develop special “WIL” (work integrated learning) models. WIL is offered throughout the whole educational system from undergraduates studies to PhD programme.
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What kind of programmes does University West offer?
We offer international programmes at both bachelor’s and master’s level in a range of fields across the social sciences, finance, business and IT and a large range of programmes in engineering.
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What are the main local industries?
Trollhättan is home to a number of high-tech companies. One of the best known is GKN Aerospace. An exciting part of Trollhättan´s proud industrial history is the film industry, with entrepreneurs within media and film production. Trollhättan’s many companies along with its roles as a regional transport hub make us an important player in the regional labour market.