Written by Satu
24 Apr 2016
Now that new students has been announced and some of our friend is accepted in KTH, it is now the time to think, talk, discuss and research about next big thing: the accommodation. I get lot of questions from the new students about this. Will it be easy to get a place inside the university? Which student complex is the cheapest? Can I choose the place? I think it is good to share my idea about this matter and maybe few friends can be helped.
moreKTH Accommodation will get you a place if you are tuition fee paying students. It works like a hotel reservation, you may write notes on special request field, but in the end they decide if you get your desired place or not.
The first step is, KTH admission office will send you email containing information about accommodation or you can directly visit KTH Accommodation Website and register yourself. You can write your desired location and preference about the accommodation but they may or may not get everything you wanted.
This might not be correct and just my opinion, but my guess is most student want an accommodation near the campus or city, therefore the competition will be tough. On the contrary, requesting a place with some distance off campus, will be easier to grant.
KTH Accommodation will later send you a contract with an accommodation that you got. Then the big question will be: Should I accept this or find a better place on my own?
I live in Björksätra, kind of far place. But I love it.
Bear in mind that every accommodation have their own plus minus. Björksätra is considerably far but I find a lot of cool things and felt grateful I got to live there. For example, fellow students in BJ Town (as we call it) have a facebook group and always help each other in there. Lending matrasses, vacuum cleaner, even giving out stuff. We go out for a football games, organize international dinner where everyone bring food from their country, really cool. We even create super awesome and most happening party in Stockholm!

We have cool forest with lakes just 400m from the complex, and last year’s September we saw the northern light in that forest. There is this big sports complex next to our area, with running tracks, outdoor gym and a hockey ring that ice-skate-able during winter. If you are a Moslem, there is this halal food groceries nearby.
I agree that the place is a bit expensive for 25m square studio. However getting a cheap place in Stockholm is kind of troublesome. At least for me. SSSB is always cheaper but the place is empty so we have to buy the whole thing and sell it again once we graduate. Like I said before, everything will have its good and bad.
Can we share the place we get by KTH Accommodation for two people to make it cheaper?
Considering the issue with limited accommodation, I think this should be allowed. However you would want to ask that to KTH Accommodation yourself. In Björksätra, I brought my wife along with me and KTH Accommodation allowed me to do so. Maybe they will do it too if it is with your friends.
Oh did I mention that getting a place in Stockholm is not easy?

Yes it is kind of a well-known issue. Students are lining up in SSSB for more than 100 credit days. Scams on advertisement of housing is increasing by year.
Accepting the offer or say no and try to find other place?
My honest opinion, you should take it. Give it a try and draw your conclusion after some months. I think KTH Accommodation let you move out if you give them 3 months’ notice. You can also get advantage of get used to finding the accommodation on your own. Facebook groups of some friends in the university will advertise some of the room, also in campus’ bulletin boards. You can scout the place yourself and avoid being scammed.
However, in case you still want to find the place on your own. Here is a few tips that might help. First, tell KTH that you will not take it, so they can give it to some other student that need it more. Then, if you have a friend in Stockholm, ask their help to scout the place from advertisement (blocket.se or other advertisement website).
So that’s my opinion on accommodation. My perspective might be different with some of you, obviously. I wish you all good luck with the housing.