Written by Leonilla
07 Feb 2016
If you follow our Instagram account you have probably noticed that in southern Sweden the spring is already on it’s way. Though it’s not -25 degrees in Umeå anymore, it’s still cold and plenty of snow, and it probably will be for a while longer… This friday and saturday the annual snow sculpture championship was held in the city center of Umeå, where the teams that participated had to turn a huge cube of snow into a sculpture. It was something I wanted to share with you, since it doesn’t happen everywhere!

Most of the sculptures were about 2 meters tall and some of them very detailed, but to be honest I had no clue what some them were.

People use different tools for sculpting the snow, shovels and saws were probably the most common ones.

The combination of lion and giraffe won!

This puppy was my personal favorite.

Getting good pictures was hard since everything was completely white and it was snowing a lot. The weather was much better on Friday, but since I wanted to see the sculptures in their final form, I chose to go on Saturday. Hope you enjoyed my pictures, I’ll check the event out again next year!