Cost of Living in Sweden 2016

I have received hundreds of different emails from all around the world asking cost of living in Sweden. As everybody may know, Sweden is a high-income level country with high life standard. I have prepared a cost of living list for prospective friends, based on my own purchases. I hope, this will help you while planning your study finance and seeking for a scholarship.

Instead of actually doing some sort of  a research, I just kept all of my receipts for one week. Form sunday to sunday… It wa a pretty normal week for me. I did go out a bit more than I might in a usual week which included a couple of dinners, but take this for what it is. I’ve separated my expenditures into different categories and then added rent, which didn’t actually get paid this week but tends to be a necessity.

You may check (popular crowdsourcing cost of living website) to compare prices between Sweden and your home country.

Keep in minds that Migrationsverket requires you to prove that you are able to support yourself if you plan to study here in Sweden. They assume you can support yourself for 7300 SEK per month for 10 months out of the year.

If you have a question, please do not hesitate to ask me in comments.

Andaç Baran

Written by Andaç Baran

17 Jan 2016