Swedish Fun on the Interwebs!

Swedes have an uncanny knack of making fun of themselves. Its hilarious, but only if you get sarcasm and irony! These are some Sweden related websites I absolutely love!

An Immigrant in Sweden – Is probably a good introduction to what to expect when you come to Sweden. Its a fantastic tumblr full of memes. I look forward to it every time there is a big event around the corner. Following is an example!

Screenshot 2015-05-12 at 8.18.02 PM

SwedishProblems – Sweden pops up on the front page of reddit once in a while. But this subreddit never makes it because everything is in Swedish. The stories are absolutely hilarious and of course being here and understanding the swedish context makes it much much more fun! You can try how it works with google translate but I guess to really get the irony you will have to be here! Following is the kind of awkward funny stuff that goes here:

Screenshot 2015-05-12 at 8.20.51 PM

Which translates to: ‘I spoke English to a tourist. He was just from Skåne (a county in the south of Sweden), but the kind soul that he is, he played along. I realized he was Swedish only later!’

PewDiePie– PewDiePie is the most subscribed to Youtube channel in the world with 36 million subscribers. That’s more than Rihanna and OneDirection combined! More than 4 times the population of all of Sweden. I dunno. I get super annoyed by his voice, but thought you should know that he exists!

Swedes love to make fun the King : Here is my favorite set of pictures of him wearing hats! This is the original source for more!


Written by Raghuraman

12 May 2015